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Too few start-ups do it: protect their innovation before they talk about it.

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That's what we offer

With the new services, such as "Patent Voucher", "PRIO, the provisional patent application" and "Fast Track, the fast online brand registration", we give the start-ups what they really need: tailor-made advice, time and the unbureaucratic protection of their young innovations.

PRIO-application - Provisional patent application

Simply apply for your well-described invention, save the "date of birth" (application date, so-called priority) and take care of it again only in a few month.

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Patent national

Protects your invention. You alone may manufacture, distribute or use it in Austria. Others are excluded.

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Patent Voucher

If you don't have enough funds to patent your invention then a promotion via the FFG is right for you.

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Fast Track Trademark

The fast trademark application for a word mark, figurative mark or a figurative mark containing word elements.

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